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Removing, Updating & Finding User

How to list current Users of your Organization

  1. From the Menu click to Organization Button,
  2. On the opened page, click on Users box,
  3. Users page will open and will list the current users.

How to delete a single or multiple Users from your Organization:

  • In the Users Page, find the User you want to remove and first click on the 3 dots button in the same line, then click Delete.
  • If you want to bulk delete multiple Users, select by clicking on their checkboxes and then click delete button on top of the list.


There is no undelete option. If you want to temporarily restrict access of an User, you can change the User’s status to passive.

Updating User Info

How to update the information of a current User:

  • In the Users Page, find the User you want to update,
  • Click on the 3 dots button in the same line,
  • Click on the Edit button on the popup menu.
    • you can change every information (including Username) on the opened window.


Once you change the Username of an User, you can change another User’s Username to the changed one or use it when creating a new User.

Updating Multiple Users via JSON

How to go to Import Users page:

  1. From the Menu click to Organization Button,
  2. On the opened page, click on Users box,
  3. On the opened Users page, click on the red circle button on bottom right.
  4. On the popup menu, click on Import Users button to go to Import Users page.

To update Users in Bulk with JSON click on Select File button and select the JSON file you prepared from your computer.

Deleted and ID Properties:

To update Users’ information in bulk with a JSON file, you need to know the id of each User you want to update. No User information can be updated without the ID information. While updating Users in bulk, you can also delete and add new Users. To delete a user, you need to add deleted property to that user and set it to true.

You need to format your JSON file to delete/update Users in bulk:

  • id: whenever you create a new User and ID value is created for that user.
    • You need to enter this information to update the User info.
    • To learn the specific ID of a User, you need to export the Users info as a JSON file first.
  • deleted: to delete the account
    • true (yes, delete)
    • false (no, do not delete)

Listing & Finding Users (Filtering)

  • At the top of the users page, you can see how many users there are in total in your organization, how many of these users are in administrator roles (i.e. manager,operator,editor, question submitter, question bank supervisor and special role) and how many are regular users ( users who have no role other than a regular user role).

If you give a user both the regular user role and the administrator role, that user is counted among the users who have the administrator roles.

  • To list the users in a folder, first select a folder name from the Select Folder menu and then click the LIST USERS button.

If you edit a user and change user’s folder, you must click the LIST USERS button again so that the user does not appear in the folder in which he/she was removed.

  • Under the Select Folder menu, you can see the tag names and tag values you’ve added to users in the folder you selected. If you select the tag names and values you want and then click the LIST USERS button, you can list only the users with the tags you’ve selected under that folder.

Furthermore, on the top right of the listed users there is a text field called Search. You can search among listed users using this field. By typing on that:

  • You can filter Users by typing username, display name or e-mail.
  • You can filter by Roles by typing the Role.
  • You can filter by Tags by typing the Tag Name or Tag Value.
    • For instance, to filter people from the accounting department, which have Department as Tag Name and Accounting as Tag Value by typing accounting.
    • If you only type department, then every user who has the Tag Name Department will be listed instead.


Search field is not case sensitive.

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